Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Day 8: Short report (COP15 UN Climate Change Conference)

Day 8: Roundup Discussion

India has made a bold statement on their stand for this climate talks. They would make some limitations on the kind of commitment such as to reject a concept of a “peaking year” of emission due to many development in rural area such as expanding electricity are planned to be done, and also they do not accept any international scrutiny of voluntary domestic measure especially for voluntarily group unfunded by international finance. However, they have given some flexibility to these unsupported efforts to monitoring based on the international guideline under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which is also applicable to the supported efforts for their MRV (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification) in India.

Beside that, White house has made announcement on their proposal of funding 350 Million US Dollars over five years to supply developing nations with clean energy technology including sun-powered lanterns, supply of cleaner equipment and appliances and etc. This in-kind fund gives much benefits to developing countries in which some of them do not have such technology to invent it. US only finance for 85 million from this total fund and the remaining comes from Australia, Britain, Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland.

In related to the climate fund, Norway and Mexico proposed a Green Fund to finance climate efforts in developing countries. They suggested that the funds should come from public budget and auctioning of emissions credit or allowances. Tentatively, the fund would start around 10 billion per year by 2013 and increase to 30 to 40 billion dollar by 2020.

Abu Mardhiyyah

International Islamic University of Malaysia

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