Day 5: Roundup discussion
The fifth day of discussion in UN Climate Change conference in Copenhagen has shown some progress in term of amount of funding that the developed countries like US or EU is willing to commit for this effort of climate change mitigation in the developing countries. At this junction, EU has eventually agreed on Friday to commit 2.4 billion euro (3.6 billion US) a year until 2012 to help poor countries particularly in Africa in adaptation to the effects of global warming. However, the smaller Eastern EU is reluctant to contribute into this fund due to their struggle to combat the implication of economic meltdown like increasing government debt and high unemployment which become priority to be addressed in their country more than the climate change issues. Out of this total fund, countries like Germany, Britain and French have contributed almost 20 per cent for each of them to this fund, in which according to Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, is major boost to the talks in this conference. In addition, EU has pledged to cut its emission by 30 per cent of 1990 levels by 2020 but with a condition that other leading polluters like China and US have to make comparable commitments first. This is according to the statement made by EU Commission President, Jose Manuel Barroso recently. Other countries like Japan has also made their pledge as conditional in where if the Kyoto Protocol is extended without setting emission reduction goals to US and China, they will back out of country pledge (25 per cent cut in carbon emission by 2020 compared with 1990 level).
Further detail, you may go to this link
Abu Mardhiyyah
International Islamic University of Malaysia
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